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Why do we write to the left or to the right?
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About Me
Michel Bolechette
discovered a lot on HANDEDNESS and ignorance of DOMINANT brain hemisphere
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Table of contents
1. Language mysteries
Taste (“gift”) for languages
Original method of learning languages
Languages distributed as a function of the geograp...
Vocalic and consonantal languages
The tonic stress or other accents
Seizing the sounds
2. Comparative study of the directions of the writ...
Sense or direction of movement of the writings
Tentative construction of a symbolism of the writi...
Use of the "sex" of the consonants and the vowels
Symbolic description of the writing steps
Writings as a function of the respective lateralit...
More symbolic interpretation of the writing steps
Suggestions for introduction of vowels into the wr...
Remark on the notion of God
3. Relation between writing and culture -- Analysi...
Comparison repetitious enough but necessary betwee...
Cultures with unisexual dominance
Body configuration of men and women
Cultural disequilibrium between men and women
4. Hypothetic influence of various movements and w...
External or internal direction of the writing acco...
Body elements in front of which the writing moves
Distinct movements according to the hand and the w...
Dynamics consequences of movements on the internal...
Structural relations between respective internal o...
Dynamic senses in continuity of the writing
Effects of the writing movements on the internal o...
Particular effects on liver or heart as a function of their state
Suggested practical exercises
5. Summary of the criteria characterizing both dir..